To access the Cloud Security Alliance SharePoint site(s) for your working group you will need to be given access based on your email address, please note that some organizations have locked down their own Microsoft365 tenants to prevent users from being invited to other tenants, if this is the case you will need to use a separate account to access the Cloud Security Alliance SharePoint site(s).
Access the SharePoint sites via the web
The primary method to access SharePoint is of course via the web interface, these are located at[SITE_NAME]
Please note that for any Excel files using multiple select drop-downs, you will need to use the desktop application version of Excel to edit the file, and the web version doesn't support Visual Basic, which is required to enable multiple select drop-down lists.
Access the SharePoint sites via the application
To open a file in the desktop application version simply right click on the file and select "Open"" and then "Open in app":
Ensure autosave is on
Go to File > Options > Save. Check that the AutoSave box is ticked.
Ensure Macros are enabled for multiple select drop-downs
Making this a trusted document
And then finally you might be prompted to make this a trusted document (so those warnings stop popping up):
I would suggest NOT clicking the checkbox "Do not ask me again for network files", just hit yes so it applies to this one document.
Just a quick note: you can add and remove things from the drop-down lists, but because adding things triggers the Visual Basic you can't hit Ctrl-Z (undo) to remove it, you'll need to select the drop-down item and deselect the item you want to remove.
What to do if Macros are disabled
Macros may be disabled (a red bar with a warning), if this is the case you may need to enable the document as a trusted source, or enable Macros. If you are using a corporate version of Office they may have Macros disabled entirely
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