What is a peer review?
A peer review is a method to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information published by CSA. It allows experts from around the world to review each paper before it is published.
Who can participate in a peer review?
Anyone can participate in a peer review. You view a list of open peer reviews here: https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/research/contribute#peer-reviews
How do I participate in a peer review?
The majority of our publications are collaborated on in a google document, however occasionally we will have projects hosted in another format (Github Repository or an Excel Spreadsheet).
Google Documents:
If you have a Google Account, please log in before commenting. Otherwise, please note your name and affiliation in the comment you leave.
Please use the Comments or Suggesting features on Google docs to leave your feedback on the document. Suggestions will be written in and identified by your Google Account. To use the comments feature, highlight the phrase you would like to comment on, right-click and select “Comment“ (or Ctrl+Alt+M). Or, highlight the phrase, select “Insert” from the top menu, and select “Comment.” For more information about Google's Comments feature, please refer to this support article from Google.
Other formats:
If the peer review is for a publication that is not a google document the peer review process will vary. In these cases instructions for how to provide feedback will be included when you are brought to the publication. If you ever have any questions please contact support@cloudsecurityalliance.org.
How is feedback reviewed?
All suggestions and comments will be reviewed by the editing committee.
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